Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Today's Project - Organization

I decided to tackle a corner of our dining room today, mostly because I misplaced some important documents that I need for Annabelle's HeadStart eligibility appointment on Thursday. It had a bunch of boxes and bins that I've been stacking things in for months. It was pretty scary:

After I got about halfway through sorting, I was worn out, so I took a long break to watch a movie with Mitchell. This is what my dining room looked like then:

I was eventually able to empty all the boxes and bins. I had to relocate a lot of things to other areas of the house. I put a huge pile of papers in our recycling bin and threw away a small bag of trash. I also started a "yard sale box" of things we don't want and/or need. I did have to repack some things just because I don't have anywhere to put them; it was all my old blank notebooks and envelopes and other similar things that I used to have drawers for, but sold in Utah. So this is what it looked like at the end of the day:

From this angle, you can't see the huge piles of stuff underneath and on top of my writing desk. That's tomorrow's project. *fingers crossed*

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