Monday, May 27, 2013

Piano Week - Day 1

This week is going to be Piano Week. We have a keyboard that I pulled out and I'm going to try to play for around 40 minutes every day. Today, I pulled out my John Thompson 2nd Grade book that I never finished and decided to just start at the beginning again. It's been SO long since I've played the piano, so it was more difficult for me. My fingers aren't used to that kind of use at all, and they weren't "cooperating" in the way I wanted them to. I enjoyed playing a lot, though. One frustrating thing is the keyboard itself. There isn't the same resistance in the keys as on a piano, so dynamics are extremely difficult to play. It seems like I can only play really loud or really quiet. I also tried giving Joseph a little piano lesson. He was really excited to play the piano like me, so he was willing to try. He does not get the idea of using different fingers for different keys, but he did learn what middle C is and he's very proud of that. It's easy for him to remember where it is because there are some stickers on the keyboard. We'll see if he wants to keep doing "piano lessons" after today.

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