I felt a little stunted the past couple days. Saturday, I decided to start working on one of my collage ideas, and I got a couple images printed out. I'm going to collage it onto one of the black pages in my SMASH*Book, though, so I need pens that will show up on black. By the time I realized this, it was too late in the day to stop by the art store.
Sunday, I couldn't quite get in the right creative mood for any of the other ideas, so I was struggling with what to do. I thought about trying a different collage idea, but there seemed to be too many distractions and too much need for my attention in other area, so I eventually gave up. Once most of the kids were in bed, I finally just started cutting phrases and such out of my big stack of magazines. I cut things that appealed to me at the time, but nothing with a strong theme. I figure they'll come to use some time in the future.
It was a bit frustrating that I didn't get more than that done, just because I wanted to do so much more, but couldn't quite figure it out. I'm going to stop by Jerry's Artarama today to see if they sell metallic gel pens, or something similar, in singles instead of big packs, since I only need a few colors and don't want to spend much money. I also need to find my little crafting caddy, which is in a box in the garage somewhere. It has my craft glues, which I'll need to attach stuff because my glue stick won't be strong enough for the cardstock I printed the images on. It's barely holding down the photos of Annabelle already! This feels like a lot of extraneous stuff that will get in the way of actually creating, but I guess that's just what happens sometimes.
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